18 U.S.C. § 2257 and revised C.F.R. 75 Compliance Statement


Please refer all questions to email: alexpwm@aol.com

Records for content on this web site not exempted from 18 U.S.C. § 2257 / 2257A and revised C.F.R. 75 record keeping requirements exist at the location designated below. All models, actors, actresses that appear in any visual depiction contained in this web site were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions. The owners and operators of this Web site are not the primary producers (as that term is defined in 18 USC section 2257) of any of the visual content contained on this web site.

Records required to be maintained pursuant to U.S.C. Title 18, §2257 and 28 C.F.R. 75 are maintained at:
Secondary Producer

Swedish Crutch Site Disclaimer

This site contains material dealing with an adult theme and may be considered offensive to some viewers. By entering this site you declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws by which you are governed that by pressing any of the buttons and/or links on this site you acknowledge that:

1. You are an adult, 21 years of age or older or he appropriate legal age in your jurisdiction for viewing such material
2. The material you're viewing is for personal use. It's not be viewed by minors or anyone but you
3. You are not a U.S. Postal Official or Law Enforcement Agent from any country or acting as an agent thereof, attempting to obtain any evidence for the prosecution of any individual or corporation or for the purpose of entrapment
4. You desire to receive and haven't requested that the Postal Service or any other Governmental Agency intercept sexually explicit material
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6. As an adult you've the unalienable right to read and/or view any type of material you choose
7. At no time, will you subject minors to said material of any kind
8. By going to the home page and / or by looking at anything on this site, you are agreeing that the material contained herein is not obscene or offensive in any way nor ever will be considered obscene or offensive. You also certify that the material presented here is not illegal or considered obscene in my street, village, community, city, state, country or province. If unsure, you won't continue
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11. You understand it is your responsibility to cancel your subscription yourself and you can find the cancellation button on the screen you subscribed at.
12. Subscribers caught trading passwords will be automatically blocked from accessing the sites further -- we proactively monitor # and geography of IP's, account names and bandwidth usage
13. If you wish to change or amend your subscription status, it is your responsibility to do so.
14. Blocks of 48 hours are placed on accounts using bandwidth over 210 meg in a 24 hour period. On average this is far greater than the typical download and is often associated with an abused account so it must be analyzed.
15. All of the above as well as the copyright statement below is understood. By clicking on the "I AGREE WITH ALL THE STATEMENTS" link below or continuing further in the site, you are electronically signing to the fact that you agree with all the statements in this site, otherwise please leave this site now.

Continuing further means that you understand and accept the Terms and Conditions set forth for this Web site. and you are
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We strongly support parental controls on the Internet. These web pages are not intended to be viewed by minors.

If you are offended by such material

Otherwise click

Statement of Copyright

Except for public domain material or material otherwise licensed to company for electronic dissemination, all materials displayed at or otherwise available through Swedishcrutch.com, an I. & A., Inc. owned web site, and are proprietary to the site. Except for initial downloading, they may not be copied, redistributed, or downloaded, in whole or in part, without the prior written authorization of the Swedishcrutch.com Webmaster. All editions of Swedishcrutch.com, and all Materials and other matter used directly or indirectly in, at, by, through and/or with Swedishcrutch.com are protected by the copyright laws of the United States, international copyright treaties and other laws and regulations. All rights are reserved. All intellectual property and other rights in and to the Materials and other matter at Swedishcrutch.com Web site. shall at all times remain in Company, its parent(s), subsidiary(ies), licensee(s) and assign(s). All intellectual property and other rights in and to any intellectual property content accessed through the Materials is the property of the applicable content owner, which may be the Company, its parent(s), subsidiary or subsidiaries, licensee(s) and assign(s), or others, and may be protected by applicable copyright and/or other laws. The limited and non-exclusive license granted to you herein grants to you no rights to use such content except as set forth herein. This license will immediately terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein, breach any other provision of this Agreement, or are notified of its termination by the Company or its authorized agent(s). You agree that upon such termination, you will immediately destroy all copies of the Materials in your possession. by using any material from this site on another internet location or other form of media, without permission you agree to pay $100 per item per month. You further agree to pay $5,000 per item for any unauthorized display of any of the content or products from this site outside of the internet community (displaying the URL would mean $5,000 for each item on the site). By entering this site you are stating that you have read the above and agree to the terms and conditions set forth therein. THE IMAGES ON THIS SITE ARE PROTECTED BY A CGI SCRIPT WHICH PROHIBITS THE IMAGES FROM BEING LINKED TO AND DISPLAYED ON ANOTHER SITE. THE IMAGE WILL COME UP BLANK ON THE LINKING WEBSITE AND CLICKING ON IT WILL BRING THE USER DIRECTLY TO OUR HOME PAGE THUS PROVIDING A WONDERFUL ADVERTISEMENT AND CLICK THROUGH OPPORTUNITY WHILE PROVIDING NO BENEFIT FOR THE PERSON ABUSING THE BANDWIDTH.

Copyright 2000-2017 - Swedishcrutch.com - All Rights Reserved

Anti-Child Pornography Policy:

This owners and operators of this web site do not condone the use of minors in adult pornographic material and has a strict policy not to use, host, or facilitate the use of said under age content or material. You are hereby notified that the creation, trafficking and/or possession of such under age material is illegal in the United States. Any attempt by any user of this website to circumvent this policy and/or provide, produce, use, traffic or promote underage adult pornographic material will result in the website operators immediately notifying the proper legal authorities and taking all action necessary to uphold and enforce this policy.